There you can add weapons and weapon mods and check out the ones you already have and modify their levels. When you open up the save editor go to the RAW tab on it, and then go to Plot, and edit the Player Variables collection. Bioware has patched the game to prevent people from adding weapons via the multiplayer dlc so they can get the weapons in single player for free) (You need to have the weapon dlc to add a certain weapon. Start from scratch (create your own custom ME3 profile) Edit the plot of what happened in the current and past games Can edit ingame quests, and even storyline position Can edit your character's current weapon loadout from the last save as long as level, class, skill points, squad stats, and powers available to use (only adding bonus powers will work) Can add any # of any available weapon mod to any weapon (i have an assault rifle and i put shotgun mods on it and there is no limit to how many mods i can put on it) Can set the level of your weapons and mods (I-X for weapons and I-V for weapon mods)

Can add or remove weapons and weapon mods to your arsenal However, since this forum does not have a topic on this save editor, I thought that I should post one. While this save editor has been discussed on the Bioware forums, there's no need to go into too much detail.